EP 7 Dementia strikes all age groups :: Mary Salter
Dementia has been diagnosed in over 200,000 Americans under the age of 65. Today Bobbi and Mike discuss with today's guest Mary Salter the deadly effects of dementia on middle-age adults and how to cope with losing loved one's at such a young age to the disease.
Mary Salter lives in Alabama is currently helping to care for her grandchildren who affectionately call her ‘Mama Bear’, and who sadly lost her husband at a young age to a rare form of dementia.
Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Disease
DIAD is a rare form of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) that causes memory loss and dementia in people typically in their 30s to 50s. The disease affects less than 1% of the total population. To find out more about Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer on their website.
Join the global research on Alzheimer’s disease!
Your participation and support can help us find ways to diagnose, treat and prevent inherited and other forms of Alzheimer’s disease.
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