EP 83 :: Spiritual Dementia Care :: Elisa Bosley
Elisa Bosley is nondenominational Christian chaplain and the founder of SpiritualEldercare.com. She has more than 35 years of ministry experience in both church and parachurch settings. Her deep desire is to make it easy for anyone to provide much-needed spiritual care to loved ones with dementia.
“Familiar faith rituals, words, and songs bring back hopeful, comforting long-term memories. Even those who can no longer speak or seem lost to the fog of dementia respond profoundly to old-time hymns, loving touch, eye contact, and conversation about spiritual things,” Elisa explains.
“Sometimes in our caregiving journey, we need a reminder that there's a greater power that we can reach out to,” Bobbi says. “I know that sometimes we feel like we have nothing left to give as caregivers and when we turn to faith in spirituality, we can get filled back up so we can go back and do it for another day.”
“One of the most fascinating research pieces that relates to dementia that I've ever seen is that the center of the brain that stores music remains almost completely unaffected by dementia throughout the course of the disease. It's its own little miracle,” Elisa says.
Spiritual Eldercare makes it easy for you to engage elders with dementia with meaningful, interactive spiritual activities.
“Rituals and forms of religious and spiritual life when you have dementia have a really high emotional payoff and a really low procedural demand,” Elisa says.
You can find out more about Elisa and Spiritual Eldercare by visiting the website and follow for on Facebook and Twitter.
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